Basic App-V 5 Client PowerShell Commands
These PowerShell commands should be run on an App-V 5 Client computer. The first step is importing the App-V module, as it’s not imported by default.
- Import-Module AppvClient
This must be run to import the module to allow PowerShell to run PowerShell cmdlets for the App-V 5 Client.
- Get-Command -Module Appvclient
This gets a list of PowerShell commands for the App-V Client module.
- Add-AppvPublishingServer -Name [Name of App-V Publishing Server] -URL [URL]
Adds the specified App-V 5 Publishing Server to the App-V 5 Client.
- Sync-AppvPublishingServer -Name [Name of App-V Publishing Server]
Syncs the App-V 5 Client’s apps with the App-V 5 Publishing Server.
- Add-AppvClientPackage \\Servername\Sharename\Appfilename.appv
Adds a package to the local App-V 5 Client.
- Add-AppvClientPackage \\Servername\Sharename\Appfilename.appv | Publish-AppvClientPackage -Global